Wednesday 20 February 2013

Spring Clean Your Equine!

So you have spring cleaned the house and now it is time to start at the yard. With your equine shedding their winter coat and the sun breaking through, this is the perfect time to get your horse or pony back to looking their best. So where to begin? Well the basis of a beautiful summer coat is to effectively getting rid of the winter one so first use a rubber curry comb in a circular motion to bring up all the dead hair out from the coat. Once the loose hair is removed brush your horse all over with a good quality body brush such as the pictured Roma Pattern Body Brush to get rid of any left-over dust and grease. Choose a warm day when the sun is out to give your equine a bath. Choose a skin friendly shampoo such as the Dermoline Tea Tree Oil Shampoo. The soothing anti-bacterial shampoo is conditioning containing natural Tea Tree oil which cleanses and conditions the coat and skin. Make sure you wrap your horse or pony up warm and keep him stabled after his bath. Once your horse is brushed and bathed don't forget the feet! Give your horse's feet a good pick out and scrub and then apply a moisturising hoof grease such as Effol Hoof Ointment in order to strengthen horn development and prevent hooves from drying up and softening. To finish off why not give your equine a spritz with the fantastic Canter Mane and Tail Conditioner from Carr, Day & Martin. This can be used all over to give the coat a great shine but is particularly useful for detangling stubborn knots in manes and tails. So give your horse a spruce up; he will certainly appreciated it and both of you will be able to enjoy him looking and feeling fantastic. All of the grooming products described are available from along with a huge range of other of other items.

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