Wednesday 6 February 2013

Limit the Risk of Laminitis with a Comfort Grazing Muzzle

With Spring not that far away on the horizon it is time to consider protective measures against Laminitis. The common, yet debilitating condition is caused by the inflammation, weakening or tearing of the laminae tissues which bond the hoof wall to the pedal bone. Typically thought of to be induced by obesity Laminitis can be particularly prone to occuring during the spring months as a result of prolonged consumption of lush grass. Many people choose to keep their laminitic horse or pony stabled and though this may be necessary during an acute period every owner hopes to get their horse or pony back out at pasture upon reaching a significant level of recovery. A grazing muzzle restricts the quantity of grass which can be consumed by limiting the depth and weight of each bite but without preventing the horse from eating all together. A grazing muzzle can be incredibly beneficial in order to both prevent the risk of a greedy equine developing laminitis and to ensure a recovering laminitic can spend a period of time outside safely. The comfort grazing muzzle offered by The Saddlery Shop is composed of soft webbing and equipped with padded nose, padded cheek and padded poll areas for extra comfort. The colourful nylon woven fabric grazing muzzle is adjustable and fitted with stainless steel fastenings and a D-ring, perfect for leading.

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