Thursday 26 May 2016

XC brakes

The eventing season is in full swing, so here I showcase my favourite bits for riding across country, available at the main site, :

Ringed Continental

This bit – also known as the Dutch Gag or Bubble Gag - is available with three or four cheek rings, in most of the commonly seen mouthpieces, and in several materials. (The French Link is pictured above). It us often chosen by riders of horses that can be heavy in the hand, as it emulates the effect of draw reins; a ringed continental bit is best described as a cross between a traditional gag and a Pelham. They aim to help to keep the horse between hand and leg.


The Waterford is a type of mouthpiece consisting of a series of balls across the main part of the bit, designed to encourage the horse to ‘mouth’ the bit and encourage better perception of the rider's aids. It is recommended by many riders whose horses are sensitive, yet strong, and hang on the bit or go on the forehand; because the mouthpiece of the Waterford becomes uncomfortable when a horse pulls, the animal will not usually lean on it, or take a strong hold. It is available with several cheek piece styles, including a hanging cheek, pictured above. It is also popular as a Nelson Gag (with full cheeks), Balding Gag (with loose ring cheeks), Cheltenham Gag (with eggbutt cheeks) and as a Ringed Continental (see below).

Three Ringed Continental Waterford

There is a combination of the above two bit types called the three Ring Continental Waterford which is a popular bit for XC riding, as it offers a good level of control. The mouthpiece of the Waterford lays across the horse's tongue, creating an even pressure. This combination creates a very nice bit, providing the rider has sympathetic hands! See above pic.

Jointed Kimblewick

The Kimblewick is popular with riders of ponies - especially those that lean on a straight bar mouthpiece. The jointed mouthpiece can lessen the action of the curb, and also help to raise the horse’s head with bar and palate pressure. The lack of shank on a Kimblewick can make them a good bit for children to use, as they also have the added advantage of being able to be ridden with just one pair of reins.

Dental checks by an equine dental technician or vet are recommended at least once a year, to ensure the horse is comfortable, and to avoid longer-term mouthing and bitting problems. Choose a retailer that offers bit hire ideally, so you can try before you commit! You can Email me at

We love sharing our expertise - to see a range of horsey articles, videos and reviews concerning lots of other equestrian and countryside matters, visit  

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Managing grass with muzzles

Grazing muzzles can be useful management tools. By using a muzzle, your horse can still be moving around the field and socialising, but will be getting limited spring grass that has high levels of non-structural carbohydrates (NSC).

Bear in mind that research into the use of grazing muzzles to help with management of weight has revealed that longer grass can be more difficult to graze, causing frustration. New research using four ponies was conducted by the Waltham Equine Studies Group, and their intake of forage was measured in the spring, summer and autumn, both with and without grazing muzzles. The study found that when wearing grazing muzzles, pasture intake was reduced by 77% during spring and summer and by 83% during the autumn.

The short (less than 10cm), upright, grass appeared to be the easiest to eat, as leaf blades and stems protruded through the holes in the muzzle. The medium and long swards proved more difficult.

Top tips when using a grazing muzzle - 

  1. Introduce the muzzle gradually by starting off using it in the stable - reward your horse with a treat through the hole in the muzzle when you put it on and take it off. 
  2. Most manufacturers recommend leaving a muzzle on up to a maximum of 12 hours, so don’t leave on for too long.
  3. Remember that grass needs to be at least two inches long for ponies to be able to draw up some grass and not get too frustrated.
Popular products available on our main website include the Greenguard  grazing muzzle which is a simple but effective solution to reduce grass intake....
Plus the range from Shires, which includes the Nylon Grazing Muzzle, below, with its new, improved design. 

Look out for offers on these and other products on our main retail hub at

We love sharing our expertise - to see a range of horsey articles, videos and reviews concerning lots of other equestrian and countryside matters, visit 

Bitting the showjumper

The concepts of harmonious bitting are the same whatever the horse’s discipline, however it is natural that the faster the horse goes and the quicker the reactions required of him are, the more targeted the bit may need to be.

Before we look at what you may need to consider when bitting the showjumping horse, let’s consider some bitting basics:
The bit is simply an aid that passes on requests from the rider to the horse regarding speed and direction. The mouthpiece of a bit is selected to suit a horse’s requirements – what fits their mouth conformation, and what they are comfortable and happy in – and the bit rings, or cheek pieces, help the rider communicate their requirements to the horse. Finding the right bit for your horse should be a blend of seeking obedience through correct schooling, tempered with the rider’s understanding of the horse’s welfare.

Now let’s look at some trouble-shooting points first, e.g. working out if your bit needs updating-
             It obviously hangs too low, or the bridle cheek pieces are ‘floppy’ or loose.
             It creates too many lip wrinkles, or the bridle check pieces appear tight.
             The horse chews or mouths the bit uncomfortably.
             The horse carries his head to one side, or raises his head.
             The tongue is ‘squashed’.
             The horse evades bridle fitting.
             The horse evades the contact when ridden, or his behaviour changes.
             You see obvious physical issues, like rubs or sore sections.

Bits for jumping
Whatever your discipline, you should always choose the ‘kindest’ bit that meets your needs and your level of riding experience. You may see some riders jumping in more complex bits than a standard snaffle – this is often to help them give more accurate commands at speed, or to help control fit, excitable or strong horses - but as generally a bit is only as strong as the hands holding it, these should only be used by riders with a steady, elastic contact.
Here are some of our best-sellers for show jumping:

The Ringed Continental is very popular with adult jumping riders and is generally available with three or four cheek rings; it is often referred to as the Continental or Dutch Gag. It is available in most of the commonly seen mouthpieces, in several materials. The bit pictured here is the Waterford. Continental bits like this aim to emulate the effect of draw reins in the ring, and help to keep the horse between hand and leg.
Pelhams are also popular bits for jumping riders. They feature elements of both a curb and a snaffle, and are available with various mouthpiece styles. The bit is good for over-enthusiastic horses that lean; however, as with many bits with some leverage action, it should be used only by riders with good hands. The bit pictured is a Flexible Rubber Pelham.

Kimblewicks are similar to Pelhams in their action with the use of a curb chain, but milder, due to the lack of shank, so they do not have the leverage of a Pelham. However they can help to keep the horse’s head up, eg. to avoid leaning, and are popular with pony showjumpers.
Common showjumping evasions -

  • Head shaking. When pressure is applied to a horse with a sensitive tongue, its response may be to shake the head, or poke the tongue. 
  • Raising head. The horse may lift the head if he objects to tongue pressure and also consistent bar pressure.
  • Leaning down on the bit. Continuous pressure may lead some horses to lean their head down or ‘yank’ the reins.
Dental checks by an equine dental technician or vet are recommended at least once a year. For articles and info on equestrian matters, please visit . This is the website of the UK’s Pegasus Magazine - the major source of information for the large majority of equestrian enthusiasts across the South East of England and the Home Counties. Visit  to find out how to access the printed version, of which 25,000 copies per month are read. The site also features articles.