Friday 9 October 2015

Improving your Flatwork Position!

We are fans of practices like Alexander Technique, Pilates and Yoga to enhance our riding - here are some top tips for achieving a good position through attaining supple joints.
  • The ankle joint - acts as a shock absorber and needs to be supple and flexible. Keeping the heel down through a supple ankle joint gives the rider stability, particularly important if you are jumping!
  • Knee joint - allows free movement of lower leg, to give aids whilst keeping the upper leg relaxed against the horse's side. Also acts as a shock absorber when jumping and in the faster paces.
  • Hip joints - probably the most important joint of all, the very centre of all riding. These joints need to be supple and flexible to allow movement of the rider's body both in flatwork and jumping. They also allow the free movement of the horse under the rider. Stiff, unyielding hips will impede movement. The rider uses the hip joints more than any other. Even when mounting, the twist of the hip creates strain within the joint.
  • Lower back - another important area; includes several joints between the vertebrae. The back needs to have strength in the muscles so that the rider can control the horse's movements from the lower back, maintain his or her own body posture, whilst at the same time allowing the free flowing movement of the horse with flexibility, balance and relaxation.
  • Shoulders - these joints are often forgotten, yet they are one of the foundations of 'good hands'. The shoulder joints need strength of muscle combined with flexibility and suppleness.
Work on your flexibility with classes and exercises such as pilates and yoga, and stretching exercises before you mount to ride.

Having the right stirrups can help your back and joints immeasurably - check out our range at - 

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