Friday 24 April 2015

Tack Cleaning and Care.

Tack should always be kept clean and though typically we associate the winter months with being tough on our tack, warm weather can often dry out our leatherwork. Efficient and effective tack care is important all year round and keeping your tack clean will ensure your leather remains supple and flexible and prevent any mould developing.

When riding our aim is for our horses to be as comfortable as possible and keeping your tack will make sure that our horses are not rubbed or chaffed by their leatherwork.

Leather products such as saddles, bridles, martingales and breastplates can be expensive, so keeping them clean and stored correctly helping them to last longer is important.

·         All leather tack should be wiped down after every use and it is important to also clean any unused tack at least once a month.
·         Using saddle soap is a good way of cleaning leather; it will help put the oils back and keep the tack moisturised. If you are wiping down your tack after every use, saddle soap should generally be used on a weekly basis.
·         As well as using saddle soap it is crucial to condition your tack by oiling or using a rich leather balsam every couple of weeks.

5 Top Tips for Tack Care
1.) Remember to always dry your tack well after using it during wet weather as moisture can damage leather.
2.) Cover your tack to keep the dust off, with  prevent mould growth and to prevent any other scratches from occurring. Dust can collect in the smallest of cracks so wiping your saddle is important. Dust is microscopically sharp and can easily degrade leather.
3.) Keep leatherwear away from direct sunlight. Try to store your tack in a dark area. Try to keep your light coloured leather products away from severe weathers such as heavy rain or direct sunlight. All leather will eventually change colour, but this will help to slow the process.
4.) Try to keep the air moving in your tack room during the summer months as stagnant air can attract mould growth. Using a fan in your tack room can help.
5.) Try to keep your tack off the ground. Vermin can chew and ultimately destroy leather tack and equipment.

A wide range of tack and equipment including bridles, head collars, breastplates and much more is available from The Saddlery Shop visit the website today at

And to see a range of articles, videos and reviews concerning equestrian and countryside matters visit

1 comment:

Asadsons said...

Thanks for giving such a great information about horse
You give such an amazing advice for me how to ride horse easily and having fun with it stay blessed
I'm very crazy about horses
keep doing well
horse equine tack