Friday 31 May 2013

Body Protectors, An Essential Piece of Kit!

Body protectors for horse riders have come a long way from the days of awkward-looking rigid foam back shields. Today constructed with both comfort and safety in mind and subject to rigorous repeat testing and available in various styles and colours, the Body Protector is a must-have item for any rider, whether a top-flight competitor or happy hacker. Body protectors are an essential piece of equine kit as the important item of equipment can make the difference between a serious injury and a minor one. Body protectors can protect the upper back and torso and are designed to protect the wearer in the event of a fall from a horse,whether jumping, schooling or hacking but also to offer protection from impacts such as being kicked, which can happen at any time. Understanding Body Protectors BETA 2000 and BETA 2009 are general standards to which all body protectors sold in the UK must conform. Having a BETA 2000 and BETA 2009 label confirms that the body protector has met all the requirements of the European standard EN 13158 and is certified to the Personal Protective Equipments (PPE) directive shown by the CE mark. This is important as it can accurately provide piece of mind that this item is safe to use and will protect you. Manufacturers of these products are also required to undertake additional testing on an annual basis to ensure long-term consistency in quality and design so you know that what you are buying will have durability and longevity. Under EN13158:2009 there are three ‘levels’ of protection: Level 1 (black label) denotes a body protector intended for jockeys only, as it is designed to meet the weight restrictions of race riding. Level 2 (brown label) body protectors offer lower protection for low-risk situations only. Level 3 (purple label) body protectors are the ones that are suitable for normal riding conditions, and are designed to prevent minor bruising, reduce soft tissue injuries and bruising and limit the risk of rib fractures. The Saddlery Shop thinks Body Protectors are really important so we stock a wide range of Body Protectors for Men, Women and Children including Racesafe, Harry Hall, Mark Todd and Gallop. For more information visit our website today to view the stock we have available. If you have any questions or queries about which Body Protector would best suit you contact a member of our team on Tel:0844 880 6900

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