Monday 12 January 2009

Hackamore Bridles & Bitless Bridles

The Hackamore is one of the options for horses that need a method of control that does not involve a bit in the horses mouth. Also known as a bitless bridle, at The Saddlery Shop we stock the two most popular and readily available forms of hackamore, the English and the German hackamore.

Both the English hackamore and the German
hackamore are used on your existing bridle with the noseband removed, and the hackamore attached to the cheeks as you would a traditional metal horse bit. The control is achieved by the use of nose and poll pressure, and as such care must be taken when fitting the hackamore bit to ensure the noseband is fitted above the soft cartilage of the horses nose to prevent nerve and cartilage damage from occurring. The hackamore should ideally be fitted approx 2 fingers width above the last soft part of the horses nose- it is equally important not to fit it too high or the rider may find a lack of control!

The English
hackamore is regarded as one of the least severe forms of the bitless bridle, and has a relatively short shank. The back strap is either leather or a combination of leather and a chain, the latter being slightly more severe in its action. The nose of the English hackamore is usually padded with fleece on a wide leather strap to minimise pressure.

The German
hackamore has a much longer shank and a chain style noseband and curb. It is often advised to use a thick noseband cover to prevent pressure and rubs, and as with any hackamore, the German should in particular be used with care by an experienced rider.

There is no doubt some horses prefer the communication achieved though nose pressure to the relatively invasive action of a traditional meal horse bit, but they tend to work best on relatively well schooled horses that respond well the leg aids as it is common to experience some loss of steering compared to a metal bit.

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