The innovative
Riders Rasp launched at the beginning of 2009, has already taken the hoof care market by storm in the US, and already showing similar trends here in the UK.
The Riders Rasp allows the horse owner to optimise the care of their horses feet and save money- not something you would expect to hear in the same sentence! The Riders Rasp has been designed for barefoot or unshod horses, or horses that have lost a shoe. This innovative rasp can be safely used by horse owners to control flare, round or roll the edge of the hoof wall (mustang roll), and maintain a quick breakover in between professional trims. Every barefoot horse owner knows the importance of keeping the hoof in balance and maintaining the Mustang roll, and the Riders Rasp will allow the horse owner to maintain the
hoof in the correct shape, thus allowing longer periods between professional trims.